Thursday, December 29, 2022

Impossible Landscapes Play Report, Part 4 - Broadalbin

This is part four of my Impossible Landscapes play report. You can find the previous part here or you can go to the first post in this series here.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Impossible Landscapes Play Report, Part 1 - Night Floors

This is my play-through summary of Night Floors, the first part of the Impossible Landscapes campaign for the Delta Green RPG. I started running this campaign in November 2021. I am writing this entry in December 2022, so over a year later. This means that my memories of the events in Night Floors are a bit hazy. And since my notes are also quite sparse I expect that I got some things wrong. But the important things should all be correct and I don't want to describe every little detail anyway.


Hi! My name is Hendrik, welcome to my blorg. This is where I'm going to post some RPG stuff, like play reports, reviews, scenarios, world building, etc.