Friday, June 28, 2024

Weird Science Scenario Generator - Biology Edition

The following collection of random tables is my submission to the 2024 N@tO Tech Start-Up Jam. These tables can be used to create scenarios with a Weird Science theme, specifically ones that deal with biology, biotech and medicine. You won't get a fully playable scenario, but hopefully it's enough to get started or to serve as inspiration.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Types of Threats in Delta Green Scenarios

I looked at every official Delta Green scenario and tried to identify the main threat that the scenario is centered on and what "type" of threat it is. Why? I don't know. It could be useful for a random scenario generator, like Agent Obtuse's. Or maybe this sort of classification could be integrated in my scenario database and help with finding specific types of scenarios.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Lynchburg Cluster - A Delta Green Mini Campaign

Over the past few months the 2024 Delta Green Mini Campaign Jam has taken place, where participants could submit a campaign of no longer than 30000 words. This jam was a good opportunity to finally work on my modern-day Karotechia campaign.