This post is part of a series about a pointcrawl across the Plateau of Leng. See the Masterpost for more details and links to the other points of interest.
The Plateau of Leng is a barren place. But in some corners of the plateau alien plant-life was able to resist the harsh conditions and even thrive. The forest is one of these rare places.
The trees that make up this forest are unlike any that can be found on Earth. They have bizarre spiky shapes and the material that they are made of is closer to stone in appearance, than it is to wood.
Amid these trees lurks a group of Leng Spiders, patiently waiting for prey to stumble into their webs.
- The Agents
come across a web made of indestructible silk strands that are as thick
as a finger. In the center of the web sits a statuette of a terrifying
spider with a humanoid face. It is made of purple crystal. Anybody that touches the statuette receives dreams sent by Atlach-Nacha the next time they go to sleep. Experiencing these dreams cost 1/1D4 SAN and grant the same amount in Unnatural.
- An armed group of 1D8 Men of Leng
are cautiously searching the forest for one of their comrades who, has
been taken by the Leng Spiders. If the Agents help them they show their
gratitude by escorting them to their village.
- The
Agents stumble directly into a nest of a Leng Spider. No adult spider
is currently present, but one of the large egg sacs hanging from the
tree branches is about to burst, releasing 1D12 Spider Hatchlings. Directly under the egg sac is a Man
of Leng wrapped in silk, still alive and struggling to break free.
- A cluster of webs and silk strands spun between the alien trees makes advancing difficult. An adult Leng Spider lies in ambush nearby. Touching the webs alerts the spider of the presence of the Agents and triggers an attack. The Agents have to succeed on a DEXx5 check to avoid the webs.
Leng Spider
STR 20 CON 20 DEX 12 INT 10 POW 12
HP 20 WP 12
ARMOR: 5 points of chitin
SKILLS: Stealth 50%
ATTACKS: Bite 60%, 2D6 damage, 3 AP (see VENOM)
Leap and Smash 60%, 1D8 damage (see SMASH)
RESILIENT: A successful Lethality attack does not kill a Leng Spider, but inflicts damage equal to the Lethality rating.
SMASH: A successful attack knocks the target prone.
VENOM: The spider injects a paralyzing poison into the target. 1D4 rounds after a successful attack the target has to make a CONx5 roll. If they fail they fall into unconsciousness for 1D4 hours.
Spider Hatchling
STR 1 CON 1 DEX 10 INT 6 POW 8
HP 1 WP 8
SKILLS: Stealth 70%
ATTACKS: Leap and Bite 50%, 1D4 (see VENOM)
Burrow 30%, 1D4 per turn (see BURROW)
BURROW: The hatchling burrows into the flesh of it's victim. This is only possible after a successful Leap and Bite attack. After a successful Burrow the hatchling automatically does 1D4 damage per round, until the target dies or manages to remove the hatchling.
SMALL: Attacks against a spider hatchling are at -40% due to it's small size.
VENOM: The spider injects a paralyzing poison into the target. 1D4 rounds after a successful attack the target has to make a CONx5 roll. If they fail they fall into unconsciousness for 1D4 rounds.
Men of Leng
STR 12 CON 12 DEX 10 INT 10 POW 10 CHA 7
HP 12 WP 10
ARMOR: 3 points of leather armor (only effective against melee attacks)
SKILLS: Alertness 50%, Athletics 50%, Disguise 60%, Stealth 30%
ATTACKS: Unarmed 50%, 1D4-1
Horns 50%, 1D6
Saber 50%, 1D8
Spear 50%, 1D8
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